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来源: 发布时间:2013-05-30 91
Datacolor全球颜色管理和色彩沟通技术的领导者推出Datacolor 45G。这是一款高精确度、内置高光测量的可携式分光亮度计。Datacolor 45G对喷涂表面、塑料组件、包装印刷、汽车零件、办公家具等制造业产品的颜色测量极为出色。用45G可以测出底色、高光、纹理的总体视觉表面效果 汽车内饰组件由不同的生产商生产,有不同的纹理和表面,需要视觉匹配。Datacolor 45G可将多种组件的色彩质量控制至非常接近的数字化容差内,确保总体颜色的匹配。油漆和涂料应用可通过45G检测出高光和底色的表面差异,因模具老化造成的塑料注射成型组件的表面差异可以通过45G,在差异导致低于生产质量前测出。 “有了45G,产品生产商作为一个可以随身携带的工具,即可精确测量和控制色彩和高光”,Datacolor产品经理Bob Karpowicz说道。“45G的独特光学设计和动态校准算法,可以确保不同时间的测量结果保持一致,还可以确保不同45G机台的测量结果一致。生产商可以用45G控制批到批质量中受益匪浅。45G的可靠测量性能,可以实现在整个供应链中用数据监控质量控制过程。 Datacolor 45G的功能: • 最佳的测量精确度和仪器间一致性 • 同时测量高光和色彩 • 45/0光学几何设计,与视觉效果一致 • 时尚、用户友好设计,配置彩色屏幕和蓝牙连接功能 • 易于读取的多组合格/不合格允差 仪器内的软件可以保存多个标准和批次、计算色彩数值、显示质量控制的合格/不合格判定。45G可以与Datacolor Tools软件无缝接入,同步多个标准和批次结果、生成QC报告、管理大量的测量数据。Datacolor 45G为可携式分光亮度计树立了一个新标准,使之在性能、便利性和价值上傲视同群。 如欲了解更多Datacolor 45G信息,请访问 http://www.datacolor.com/45g 在线观看Datacolor 45G影片 Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-RDAKRGKxc&feature=youtu.be Tudou: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/NuqK-ckdPA0/<br /> <br /> Datacolor<sup>®</sup>, a global leader in color management solutions, announces the availability of the Datacolor 45G, a high accuracy handheld spectrophotometer with integrated gloss measurement. Datacolor 45G excels in color appearance evaluation of painted surfaces, plastic parts, package prints, automotive parts, commercial furniture and other manufactured goods. Measurements made with the 45G capture the effect of base color, gloss and texture on overall visual appearance.<br /> Automotive interior components, with varying texture and finish, each manufactured by different vendors need to visually match. Datacolor 45G enables quality control of multiple components to a close numerical tolerance in order to achieve an overall match in color appearance. Paint and coating applications can benefit from the 45G’s ability to detect changes in appearance from both gloss and base color. Appearance changes in plastics injection molded parts due to mold wear can be measured with the 45G before the changes lead to off-quality production.<br />  <br /> “With 45G, product manufacturers can precisely measure and control both color and gloss in a single convenient package,” said Bob Karpowicz, Product Manager – Instruments at Datacolor. “The unique optical design and dynamic calibration algorithm used by 45G results in consistent measurement over time and across multiple 45G units. Manufacturers can benefit tremendously from using the 45G for batch-to-batch quality control. Reliable measurements with 45G can enable a data-driven quality process through the supply chain.”<br /> The Datacolor 45G Features:<br /> •       Best-in-class measurement accuracy and inter-instrument agreement<br /> •       Simultaneous measurement of gloss and color for quality control<br /> •       45/0 optical geometry to correlate with visual appearance<br /> •       Modern, ergonomic design with color screen and Bluetooth connectivity<br /> •       Easy to read display of multiple Pass/Fail tolerances<br />  <br />  <br /> The software on the device enables storage of standards and batches, calculation of colorimetric values, and indication of pass/fail in quality control. The 45G seamlessly integrates with the included Datacolor Tools desktop software, synchronizing standards and batch results to generate QC reports and manage large amounts of measurement data. Datacolor 45G establishes a new benchmark in performance, convenience and value for handheld spectrophotometers.<br /> For more information about 45G and its applications visit <a href="http://www.datacolor.com/45g">http://www.datacolor.com/45g</a><br /> Datacolor 45G video online<br />  <br /> Youtube: <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-RDAKRGKxc&feature=youtu.be">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-RDAKRGKxc&feature=youtu.be</a><br /> Tudou: <a href="http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/NuqK-ckdPA0/">http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/NuqK-ckdPA0/</a><br />